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Monday, April 18, 2011 ' 8:32 AM Y
my life my fairytale

It has been a long long long long time since i update this blog of mine . Well thought if deleting this blog off but since it might come in handy if I'm bored or down over something so why not keep it . So I'm bored and and since i had not update this blog for a while why not update it .
Look above ^^ , I'm officially attached to MUHAMMAD AFIQ BIN HARRIS on the 270211<3
A guy whom use to be a stranger to me then a friend and then a boyfriend .
Although we might not been together for so long , we have been through together up and downs alot and we manage to stay strong .

So lets talk about this beruk for awhile , Afiq , a cute boyfriend of mine and i love him super much . He might be the most irritating and sometimes unreasonable person but he never fail to make me happy . No matter how bad we fought , he never fail to control his anger but sometimes anger get over him , and the worst he will did is just simply give up on us . But i never blame him because i know i did mistake too . He is a very loving guy that a girl would want form his bf . A understanding guy ever and a romantic guy . He will give all sort of surprise to me just to make me smile . And he never fail to be there for me and he will sacrifice his resting time just to meet me :)) I'm gratefull that i meet him and I love him ((:

Till here then , will post again ermm , when i fel like it ((:

Sunday, January 23, 2011 ' 12:15 AM Y
my life my fairytale

I know my blog is dead ! And I'm sorry for not blogging for quite sometimes because I'm just plain lazy to blog . Hee . So hows life ? Been great ? Mine , is great . Been enjoying life and i just love the people around me ((:
So hows my love life? Hehe , I'm in love with MFBH . Guess who i saw yesterday ? Sepet ! Gaahh , kinda miss him but as a friend not more ((:
The picture above was taken last Tuesday . Went shopping with Feeqa and Daya at bugis . After that went to haji lane to sheesha since we had nothing to do . Daya is Feeqa work friend and what a small world she's my neighbour schoolmate and she look exactly like Mimi . Haha .

And today is Hussien Birthday ! So here a birthday wish for you .
Happy birthday my friend . Wah da 18 lah orang tu da legal lah sey , haha . I wish you all the best in everything you do and stay happy always ! And we have already celebrate his birthday in advance on Friday at Chalet :)

Alright then shall blog again once i feel updating so . Toddles ~

Thursday, January 6, 2011 ' 9:26 PM Y
my life my fairytale

Hello Friend , da patch lah seyy ! :)
Last long korang and i hope this time round you stick to her and stay faithful to her and lets not history repeat itself alright .
I guess , we were never meant to be , it was just an accident , how we contact and share the same feelings towards each other . But whatever it is I'm happy for the both of you . I just wish we end the nice way instead and stay as friend . But nahh its okey .

So it has been a week since school reopen . New teacher new rule sux big time la please ! And if you are late for class you will be lock outside k best lah sangatsangat -.-"
But beside that Tuesday is a NO SCHOOL day for me . Me likey likey this ^^ . And ya i was stuck at home for 2days as i was down with fever -.-" . School still remain the same except with the 1st year coming in, my school is becoming more more crowded especially during break . And canteen look more like a hawker center now so full . And cari tempat pon ada sikit susah . But ada cute cute hehe k diam gatal pe kau yana ! haha .

I won't be updating much because I'm just plain lazy to do so ! :D
K bye !

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 ' 12:45 AM Y
my life my fairytale

Hello Human !
Sorry for not updating my blog for the past few days . I'm just so lazy to update them sometimes . Hee . So hows 2011 going on so far ? Been great ? Been a bitch to some of you ? Well mine , is just the same since is only four days . But so far so good nothing unpleasant happen so far . So i spent my New Year celebration ar Marina with Boi and Qaiyum . The others was stuck at town so we didn't meet them . I get watch those fireworks ! ((: Lawalawa !!
After that we went to ECP since we were separated with boi at Marina there , traffic jap macam taik tol ! haha . So sit there chit chat for a while at 2.30am we proceed since i had to reach home by 3am . Nasib tak ikut Mama , kalau tak , tak dapat tengok Fireworks ! Haha.

Friday, December 31, 2010 ' 2:00 AM Y
my life my fairytale

I made decision . A decision to chase you out of my life .Reason? Because i want this to stop and move on with life peacefully . I sick of everything . So yes , I'm sorry if i was harsh to you but that's the only way i could think of and trust me , i feel guilty for doing this to you , and I'm asking an apology here because aku ego so taknak message . Sorry ):
And ya , I'm a hypocrite ? Haha , korek citer please . Ape siak aku hypocrite . Tak terima siak aku k takpe Gasak dia lah k . Like what i promise him , i promise not to disturb their life so I'm sorry if i didn't reply your message , Because i know if i were to reply nampak sangat kita contact balik . So ya , this time round I'm serious when i say i want us to stop contacting each other . And like seriously , you can say anything about me because your words don't bring me down . ((;
And thanks for everything all this while . I appreciate your concern and care but thrust me i can takecare of myself better . Takecare my friends , i wish the both of you all the best and last long it you guys were to patch !(:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 ' 8:46 AM Y
my life my fairytale

I is very the boncet ! K diam (:

So went Ehub with Qaiyum today to watch movie , Gulliver's Travels . Since we had 1 hour before our show start , we went changi to have our late lunch . After that went back to ehub to catch our movie . After the show ends , we went to Changi Bench Club and slack there . We talk and make stupid jokes about me stomach -.-" . Suke lah kan kutuk perut aku ! Aku tahu lah aku boncet ! Haha . After that went home sweet home . Me is lazy to elabrote so ya ((:

Macam nak buang handphone boleh tak ?? Grr , irritating ar hp ni kadangkadang! Lag , jam , nak msg kadangkadang nak kene hentakhentak sia . Geram nye !

Sapesape countdown nak tengok fireworks ?? Yana nak tengok tapi takde teman ! Sedih kan , aku tahu . K bye (:

Sunday, December 26, 2010 ' 11:52 PM Y
my life my fairytale

*look* Gelap pe aku ! -.-"

Me stomach is cramp because of mensuration . I painpain . Haha , English broken i know . So basically I'm stuck at home since someone made a plan with others despite asking me to book today so we can go out together . Orang macam gini mintak sepak dahi ! -.-" But is ok , because I'm not feeling that well either so might as well stay at home and rest .
So yesterday was kendarat and me likeylikey yesterday because work was not that serious i mean work was so slack but our paid was hold back . K part ni tak suke . Qaiyum fetch me from work without me asking so thanks friend (: . Nak kuali yang pakai rendang tu tak so takyah nak pakai helmet ? Haha . He sent home and off he went meet his friend . Well I'm sorry for making you wait , blame Shaboy for that ! Hee , Sorry (:
My Saturday was spent with soccer peeps . Went sheesha with them . I had fun with them despite me not very close with them but they sure make my day . And i bump into papa at his shop there :) . Me rindu my father despite not close after my parents divorce . Zul tak habishabis nak angkat aku pasal adik aku ! Sepak kang . haha . Nak salam terus tak jadi eh ? Lol .And Afeeq semalam kau kurang ajar , haha cakap gitu pasal bapak aku , i sepak your botak head baru tahu ! haha .
Me think my throat is pain because of sheesha ); Tak best nye . K bye!


Mind u this is my blog
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Ppl called her Yana...
18 dis year...
I grow older every 12 March br> ITE Balestier..
Attached to MUHAMMAD AFIQ(:!

spongebob square pants STUFF.!
be happy alwasy and never be sad(:
lose weight.
Shopping.Shopping n sHopping.!

♥♥♥♥♥ family
♥♥♥♥ friends
♥♥♥ life
♥♥ sweets

Action barbie
Ppl who judges my life


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